Dried Poppy Pods( Unwashed) Papaver Somniferum Pods

(10 customer reviews)



Our Decorative Poppy Pods are considered to be the finest and most harmonious quality not exposed to any chemical treatments.


Decorative Poppy Pods And The Poppy pods(unwashed)

Decorative poppy pods is a phrase we use to describe poppy pods for sale which is the best poppy pods ever to Exist  According to a survey the dried poppy pods  or so called dried poppies for sale are Special in so many aspects as they differ much with other poppy pods online. It is believed that consumers of this strain are free from some kinds of spiritual attacks and also it brings luck to individuals consuming this particular strain of the wholesale poppy pods hence making it one of the expensive of all the Dried poppy pods(unwashed).

While others  believe this to be a conspiracy theory our Company has carried out some investigations on these believes and we can only  comment on the natural aspects of these believes which is that the potent levels from this poppy  pods  dried are so special and unique and consumers of this strain feel it.

1…A Natural high.

2…Treat chronic Pain.

3… A Natural source of opioids.

4…Consume it more to  withdraw from addiction of heroin(Those looking to get free from dangerous Drug use )

5… Treat Anxiety.

6… Improve Digestion.

7… Lower Disease Risk.

8.. Boost Fertility for women.

9.. Act as Natural Insomnia Remedy

10..Free Consumer from Spiritual Attacks ,brings about Good luck hence making it Expensive to order poppy pods.

Slow heartbeat, Slow irregular breathing, Discolored edges around the mouth. Discolored fingernails

Small pupils ,Sleepiness, Confusion are also other factors cured by this strain.

Dried poppy pods (unwashed) has a  historical significance in various medical treatments. Poppy pods are a source of potent, pain-relieving alkaloids. Morphine from latex remains crucial for managing severe pain

Additional information


4 – 6 lbs, 6 -8 lbs, 8 – 10 lbs

10 reviews for Dried Poppy Pods( Unwashed) Papaver Somniferum Pods

  1. Elon Griend

    Here in the UK i thought we had the best then i tried you guys frankly you guys are the best i am happy with the way everything unfolded and i did get my order for dried poppy pods unwashed such good stuff i hope to order soon again


  2. Dorine

    Still in shock that it got here at first i thought it was a hoax you guys are the best .


    Your Services are Great Good Job and your Product is the best too Thumbs up

  4. Nina

    The product is okay i got it just now buy like i said before i hope you guys can work on your prices its so difficult for some of us to afford such fee for it apart from that you guys are the best the dried poppy pods are really great.

  5. Maria Glick

    wow just wow did not believe they were gonna get here like i was told here in Germany you just dont find it anywhere Thank you with losts of lover from this end am Maria

  6. Kounda

    Been searching for this for a while and Thank God i found you guys you guys are simply the best Thank you Thank you Thank you i got my unwashed poppy pods

  7. Danny

    Good stuff it got here rather late but that okay shout out but i am gonna be ordering Grade A next time no shit

  8. Lyne

    wow it got here Great stuff guys keep up

  9. Musk Mikey

    Not an internet fan but felt like I had post something positive about your company. It’s the second time I’ve ordered and I always get it on time. We sincerely appreciate your efforts to make us feel much better with your Grade A pods. Keep it up!

  10. Haliburton

    You often put customers on hold for too long but it did arrive thou 24 hours late from the original schedule even if the delivery service cant keep up with schedule its important to stay in touch with us till its arrived i hope i am making a point.

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